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Daily Writing Journal: Discovered Hatchards London's oldest bookstore, Editing Update my urban lit African American romance - Leyton and Angelica.

Discovered Hatchards - London's oldest bookstore

My London Hood - Hatchards booksellers

Yes, shame on me for not knowing about this bookstore but please, I do go to Waterstones, Foyles, Daunts - back in the day Dillon and I don't live in Green Park or Mayfair *sniff, sniff* only kidding but it was nice to discover this. 

So let's get on with my blog narrative.  I was walking down Green Park, and discovered Hatchards, an old bookshop or booksellers as the UK bookshops have rebranded themselves. Normally when I go to Green Park and walk towards Piccadilly Circus, I normally just go to the posh Waterstones, or I'm rushing to the underground or running some errand. 

I've never really looked at any of the shops but it was a pleasant discovery. 
I probably just noticed it because I was walking slowly,  taking my time, looking for interesting stuff for my Saturday - My London Hood posts.

Harchards Bookseller

 I think it's owned by Waterstones - well Waterstones has taken it over, only because it had that familar decor and then I saw some books stamped with the Waterstones pricing. If they were independent I probably could have been cheeky and asked if they'd stock my not-so-urban-but-urban you reckon it's worth a try? 

Check out the chill-out zone. 

I feel I should have some evidence I was actually there, maybe take a picture of a doll of a flyer of my book or something. So marker because all you know is that I'm nicking pictures off the internet....I mean that's what folks do, don't there. And no I don't fancy being in these pictures...

Editing catch up so far: Leyton and Angelica

Working Synopsis 

ANGELICA WASHINGTON'S rare partying on a cold winter's night turns into a steamy intimate encounter with a dark blue-eyed stranger. Letting go of her normal cautious nature, ANGELICA submits her impulses thinking she'll never meet the handsome sexy stranger again.

Circumstances bring them together and they continue their hot passionate affair. One rule. Sex only. But the handsome blue-eyed stranger,  LEYTON THOMAS finds out he wants more, and his lust is slowly turning to love.

The prospect of things turning serious is daunting for ANGELICA  It's not just falling in love that scares her, but the secrets she keeps. Can she trust herself to let go of the past, and give love a chance in her future.

So far so good, and I completed week four on target. I also realise I had so many subplots and stories that go nowhere so I'm slightly concerned about meeting my publication deadline.

So far, I have about five subplots that don't see to go anywhere. I could arc my subplots but remember I'm following instructions here, doing as the lesson tells me. I'm not sure what else I'm going to cover in the next 17 lessons but we'll see. Should I tag the lessons? Okay let's see.

According to Holly Lisle's site  based on her experience as a former nurse.

Trauma Triage — FIND the big bad stuff in the story - These are lesson 1 to 8. So I'm just half way, having finished lesson 4.
Major Surgery — FIX the big bad stuff  - lessons 9 to 17
Cosmetic Surgery —Make the book pretty - lessons 18 - 21.

Lesson five of editing course: Conflict

For lesson five, Holly Lisle's site says
  • What kind of conflict you’ve created in every scene (and whether it’s the right kind or the wrong kind).
  • Conflict progression through your story to resolution, and whether you did it well or badly.
  • And whether each conflict you’ve introduced adds to or subtracts from your story…and whether each one matters.
It's pretty much what it says on the time. Conflict...This time, I'm going to keep a tally of the time I've spent doing this. I don't think there is going to be much change in direction until week 9. I wish this could be more interesting but I find editing is more tedious than writing.


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