Cold is so bad so still in bed.
It's horrible and probably the worse I've had in year. It could be the flu, but I'm not sure. My throat was so sore and burning. I feel pants, I really do feel terrible, so I've been stuck in bed.Dream Goal Plan Action Reality
A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams reality.I saw this somewhere on a picture and it seemed so simple. Common sense. Simple but difficult to achieve especially if a person has other conflicting goals or priorities.
For example, I had a goal to achieve something within 1-2 years but it took me six years because of a family bereavement, bad relationship drama and awful work environment. It took me a while to snap back, very long while to get back to some sense of normality.
I'm late with my writing goals because I work full time, and write within my spare time. Writing can be quite obsessive to the exclusion of others so I also have to manage that. So I'm years late. I'm also compromising by self-publishing even though a part of me wants to go the traditional route - but that is a way paved with frustration and disappointment, though the rewards at the end are high.
I also dream way above my 'pay grade' or abilities and at time I need to have a reality check as to what is possible.
Sometimes taking action for make a goal a reality takes a certain amount of risk and moving out of our comfort zone. It's easy to write plans on paper but following can be difficult and hard.'s all about risk, conflicting goals and what is important.
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