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Guilt Free Planning: Finished How to Draw Anything By Mark Linley, now doing the next drawing project: Learn to Draw: 10-Week Course for Aspiring Artists

Goal: Complete all 260 drawings in How to Draw Anything by Mark Linley
Start date: 28th April 2019 Completion Date: 19th May 2019

Background: This is just based on me always borrowing or buying drawing books and never actually going past a few pages.

Reflection and review of goal

What went well.

I got over the boring bits, and I continued. I always focused on the end, and even though my own drawings never looked close to the one in the book, or Mark Linley's drawings, I just kept on!

What didn't go well.

Typically nothing changed from my last drawing project. I was very self-critical, even feeling guilty that I wasn't trying to make my drawings look like the ones in the book. I keep on having the nagging feeling to go back and redraw until I reached perfection, or at least near enough. It always felt it wasn't good enough but I had to push through this to complete the drawing project.

Again lots of weak points but I'm not a professional artist.  I also skipped an entire chapter because it was just the author demonstrating the use of a grid, so that was more instructional.

Finding a consistent time and place, I tended to just do it when I could - however I need to be flexible.

Lessons Learnt & Takeaways

  • Making the plan: This like in manga book drawing project was the simplest part. Very simple. In fact in my original plan, I'd given myself lots and lots of time because it was based on a drawing a day. However I realised that wasn't realistic and I could do more.
  • Reviewing and reflecting I did stick to this every few chapters, and I also altered my project timeline as I went along. So I adjusted the dates as I went along. 
  • This book actually gave me insight to other things I'm interested in as a writer so it was worth it. I like drawing cartoons, and in one of the final chapters Mark Linley some advice on process which I'd never come across before, so that was brilliant! I do have a drawing blog but for now, I'll leave this on this blog. 

What can be applied to the next drawing project goal?

I found the reflection and reviewing process very useful. I used it in the first project and then the next. That was I was able to adjust the plan as needed. I'm using drawing to practice planning but at some point, I want to use it for bigger goals. 

Continue to review, reflect and alter the timeline if needed. Also pushing through a critical mindset which seeks perfection, especially when I'm not a professional or even trained artist. It doesn't need to be as good as the stuff in the book!

Have fun? No really because this is about commitment. I enjoy drawing for fun, committing myself to finish a project is another thing.  Day to day consistency of actual practice is pants. Boring.  It really is, on the other hand, I have collected a few drawing books over the years, and barely made it past the first few pages...well it's about time!

Next Drawing Goal

Task:  Learn to Draw: 10-Week Course for Aspiring Artists by Barrington Barber.
By When: 27th June 19. 27th July 2019 Well it's strictly a ten week course so it will be interesting to see if I complete it on before or on time. Perhaps even run a little over time.
My starting point: at the very start.

There is no real planning needed on this course, however may main drawing times tend to be in the morning or when I get back from work. Sometimes, I'll try and do a few sketches at lunch time. I'll keep a progress update in my weekly roundup. 

Completed Drawing Book Projects using guilt free planning tool

These are drawing instructional books which I have finished
  • How to Draw Anything By Mark Linley
  • How to Draw: Manga: In Simple Steps


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