Things have been very busy! In the last three weeks I've gone on a short holiday break to Brighton, then had to catch up with others things. So yet another week passes and I have no funds to put in the money jar. Yes, indeed, no funds at all.
So this week, I'm simply going go write another IOU to the tune of one hundred and twenty six pounds sterling. When I first took on this challenge, I thought it would be easy and plain sailing but so far, I've had to navigate some rough waves.
I don't have the money pot in view but I shall put this IOU of £126 in it. I guess the real lesson here is if you want to save, DON'T HOP ON TO A BLOG CHALLENGE. Please note the below is not FINANCIAL ADVICE - FOR FINANCIAL ADVICE PLEASE CONSULT A QUALIFIED FINANCIAL ADVISER The best way is to
- Work out how much you want to save - like your goal for the year. Even better work out what you want to save for. If it's rainy day savings that's fine.
- Work out how much you can afford to save and how or when. It's best you have a regular sum or amount - I suggest monthly but it depends on how you get paid. So if you are on a weekly pay-cheque then save weekly, if fortnightly or monthly then follow that trend.
- Use your bank to do automatic transfers - standing orders are good - check if they are free.
Overall over a longer length of time, consistent and regular savings pay off, compared to blog challenges which look attractive in the first instance but aren't when the going gets tough. Anyway there are nine more weeks left so it will be interesting to see what happens in the meantime.
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