So I've missed a few weeks and I only have £60 to give. In fact, I had this money in week 36 but forgot to post and two weeks more have passed since then. I have four weeks of outstanding payment and I'm wondering which ones to pay off. Week 35? Week 36? Week 37? Week 38? Typical it makes sense to start off with the earliest but why? What's the fun in that!
So with all the weeks combined I owe a £146! Yes, that much.
Since I've only got £60 pounds, I'm just going to have a massive IOU for £86, the biggest amount yet.
So that's me covered for the last four weeks with a massive debt of £86. I think my debt to the money pot is now over a hundred pounds. Still probably not as much as my credit card. It seems foolhardy to collect debt here, there and everywhere.
So finally the money pot is out. You can see the other IOUs at the left side of the jar -basically white folded paper and the real money. Oh well until next week 39. Yes, week 39! Let's see if I can pay it in full plus some money jar debts. Or it could be another IOU.
Oh dear. I advise you to divide the money amongst the IOUs. Making then all smaller😊