Nightmare getting in this morning. First the bus was full, and some selfish mare, refused to move down the bus to allow others to get on. I told her off saying we all had to get to work but she just looked through me. What an inconsiderate cow. These are the times one wished they could take a picture and ‘name and shame them on twitter. But it aint that serious. Its much worse living her pathetic life.
Got to the Chancery Lane to find that it was closed to inward traffic. Apparently an escalator had broken down. That’s what happens in Chancery Lane line. Had to get the bus to St Pauls and zoom down the escalators to catch the train. Needless to say I was late.
Work was so so. Chef was experimenting so had a new recipe for lunch. It was okay, also forgot my obesity drive and had a pudding.
Went to the gym, only to find I’d forgotten my padlock, toiletries and top, so I decided to go home and work out - well take a longish walk.
I’m taking a break for my online workshop, I think I need to focus on developing my writing - I might get withdrawal symptoms though. Yeah, that’s me.
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