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Editing still not happening in the novel and my guilty pleasures

So I'm still not editing because I get the story together however I've decided to take a break and then focus on sentences. So I've had a huge moan about what I writing but now I'm going to focus on writing exercises.  So I'm going to practise sentences.  Maybe by doing this sometime magical will happen.

I also lost my phone in at college but someone found it and handed it in.

Editing not happening

I'm taking a break here. I'll just focus on the National Novel Writing Month.

My Guilty Pleasures

Well not I'll need to rate them in terms of shame and guilt and indifference.

Waitrose Pea and Wiltshire Cured Ham Soup.

Well not so much guilty but it's rather price at £1.99 but it's very tasty.  I'm rather price sensitive so I discovered it when a batch of it was reduced.  I tried to recreate it at home but then just decided it better to get from Waitrose.

There is also Tesco's Finest Pea and Ham soup but that tastes a bit too artificial and sweet so I only buy that on special offer. But for full price splurge I'll buy the waitrose one.

The Sunday Coronation Street Omnibus

Calorie free but costly time wise.  It's the great way to spend lazy Sundays morning. Then I catch up Saturday  X Factor

Basketball Wives and the Love & Hip Hop Franchise (New York and Atlanta)

Now this is a massive one. Sometimes I question why I watch it but the show keeps on giving. I guess because the characters are not real to me even though it's a reality show however I'm starting to rethink how I blog about it.  Take Tara Wallace she is pretty cool, nice and engages everyone on Twitter. The same with Tasha Marbury.

The moment these women engage by answering a tweet they suddenly transform into real people. Tara Wallace is intelligent, witty and beautiful. She has a great sense of humour and will engage with most people on Twitter.  She is unpretentious - suddenly she becomes real.

Tash Marbury is also cool in real life and will answer questions on twitter.  Hard ones, too. Suddenly she becomes a real person.

Breakfast Cereals

Most types with lots of added sugar - Cheerios, Sugar Puffs, Granola, Honey Nut cornflakes. Anything with sugar.

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