Hi Everyone,
this is where I'll be putting blog updates and changes.
this is where I'll be putting blog updates and changes.
10 January 2021
At least once a month
23 October 2020
Doing weekly updates on the novel progress and monthly review of the schedule or pipeline dream of novels. Take care and stay safe everyone.xxx3 May 2020
Going with the flow. Take care and stay safe everyone.xxx14 July 2019
Focusing on a weekly update, show my desk and the 52 week money challenge.
9 June 2019
I've decided to give a monthly writing progress report as it will be less boring and probably more to report on that level.
3 June 2019
I've decided to simplify the blog, therefore the change in format and design, so the archive would show. I'm also working on tidying many elements.
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