Hello all!
So I'm beavering away at my ebook cover and hoping to reveal it in a few days. It's just a simple cover which just states ROMANCE!!!!
Apart from that my day job has been super busy, as me looking for something new. My contact is coming to an end soon. I've also been taking a course but it will be the book after this where the benefit is seen.
This will be my second release in my self publishing experiment. So far I've been delayed by a whole month but I want to get cracking this weekend. I still need to learn to plan releases rather than rush and do it last minute. However early November should be okay to release it.
This is more a blog on my writing journey, I do have another purely for books. Yes, I'm a blog-a-holic but it's good to go.
Once I've published I'll do lessons learn from two book. Don't ask about sales because I haven't done any marketing and I'm a bit shy about telling people I know. However at some point, I'll need to try some marketing.
Check out Bigga Day's books on
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