Hello Everyone,
Happy New Year.
I haven't written that much for a whole, mostly because I feel I have nothing newsworthy to say. So I guess I'll just talk about what I know - myself and my life.
Still in the same job - but as a chartered associate I get more respect - that is my opinions take more weight with my bosses. That's nice. Job hunting isn't that easy, and however I did get one interview which was a boost to my morale - unfortunately I didn't get the role.
Still as qualified chartered associate, though I haven't had a pay increase, I have more confidence in what I do. I'm still in a role for an unqualified - or part qualified but whatever it is I still need to draw a wage.
Years ago, I'll have jacked in my job with the intention of getting a better paid one. However I've learnt it's best to leave a job to job especially when bills need to get paid. There is also a bonus factor of learning from my two bosses. I've had a lot of bosses/managers over the last few years, and each of them have something I could learn from. They offer an alternative way and different insight to my profession.
My private life needs a little more balance and I've got plenty to sort out there. A lot, so let's hope this year is a turning point. I guess it can only be one if I turn...
I also need to work on my novel. Still a work in progress...let's see what happens.
Have a great week or month, and I'll catch up later.
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