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How to Cheat in Photoshop by Steve Caplin - 2002: Chapter 2 Hiding & Showing.

I found chapter 2 which was playing around with masks a bit tedious. As I said the instructions aren't very clear however a good tip with I think is worth remembering is the blending option. It's described below.  These are a screenshot of the 'before' images  Layer Masks Theses were just playing around with masks, nothing serious or interesting. Blending Options According to Caplin 'this is one of the most powerful tools in Photoshop that allow users to hid or show picture elements automatically without TOUCHING A BRUSH OR LAYER MASK'. A good tip was using the underlying layer in blending mode  I think this is best tip so far, and worth playing about with. This is show the firearm in the library and the airplane. 
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