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Had coffee with a fellow writer, went to an exhibition on West Africa: Word, Symbol, Song at the British Library.

There was a massive Disney Christmas tree at St Pancras Station.  I thought I'd start with that picture.

Implemented Accounting Guru Genius (AGG)  method this morning. I mentioned yesterdays she showed me her way of planning. Well it's kinda like project management critical path and working back but in AGG's way.  Well the results where what I sort of knew but it's official. I do too much.

I've got so much on that I have make very slow progress with anything then end up procrastinating. So I really need to learn and get this planning and time management method under my belt. The only reason is that it's kinda the only thing I actually got. When AGG first did it, I was amazed. It was so impressive. I kinda forgot about it but it's coming up to the end of the year, and I've made great progress with some goals and projects but others are still hanging.

Anyway after putting in all my hours I realised I only had a certain amount of free time. Not as much as I thought I did - hence the reason I used to over scheduled myself. So basically I thought weekend huh? Give myself two hours for a task. I found I could only focus for a stretch of 20 minutes and about an hour was enough. This means I need to rethink it.

Basically after work, travelling time and other things, I don't have as much time as I think I do.

Next, I met up with a fellow writer from my online group. It was pretty cool, we met at a museum had a coffee and visited the current exhibition. She's writing an epic novel and currently working on the third part. So we spoke about writing, plotting and various ways writers did this. So self publishing vs traditional publishing. We also discussed about blogging as a writer. Well, it's something I've being thinking a lot lately about and I think no. Writers don't need to have blogs. Why?

Mainly because readers just want to read books. As a reader, I hardly cared about my favourite writers other than what other book they had out or when that was coming out. My engagement with the writer was via their books. However as a writer, I am curious about the writer. So it's my writer's curiosity that will make me search out more  information. But the most I'd do as a reader if I really loved a book is write a glowing review. So I think as writers the best one can do is write. And write more. Since your readers engage with your product not you.

Saying that, I like blogging. I've always had some kind of blog - it used to be about reality shows until I bored of watching them. I write about writing on another blog, sometimes. Not regularly. And I write about my day here. Sometimes. Then I take a while off. However I do it because it's fun and I can. Not a way to build a following, aye?

So that was fun.

As you know I'm not doing much in the way of working right now until I finish my personal goal thing. With that said, I alway write so I'm writing a new novel based on a bad boy. Yes the old bad boy with bad attitude, who needs to grow up. As usual I have my love triangles, and I also do short passages. So I have a couple of stories on the back burner but I must do one thing at a time and finish. That's why I doing using AGG's project management methodology. It's common sense but I'm working on persuading AGG to write a book on all her methods and techniques. They are brilliant but she just things is by and by. Such are geniuses.

After that my meeting with my fellow writer I rushed back to visit the West Africa: Word, Symbol, Song at the British Library. A family member who is a 'friend' of the BL treated me. It was interesting. A few exhibits on.

The shop had a lot of West African themed items on sale. What is most popular is a material called Ankara. Not my favourite. In fact I actively dislike it. Its historically a Dutch/Holland wax print adapted by West Africans now sold all over Africa. But imported - the good stuff - from Europe.

What I love is the more traditional cloth. This is the real African stuff - I'm not taking about Kente cloth but Ase Oke - which means top clothes or cloth for an occasion. It is handwoven cloth worn by the Yorubas in Nigeria.

It's normally worn to parties and big celebrations - mainly weddings. It's super expensive so people tend to mix with lace other other fabrics. Basically it's handwoven or machine nowadays however it's done in strips, so an experienced tailor then needs to make it up. So therefore most women use it as a wrapper, head tie and another piece for the shoulders. With a lace blouse.

 Then there is Adire which is an traditional tie and dye cloth in indigo.

So not one for Ankara.

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