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Breaksfast from Sainsburys and new style writing for blog.

I was on the bus yesterday and saw someone reading an email in this format so decided to adopt it. I just thought it was simple and clear and easy to write


Did ten minutes writing for new project. Yes, said I wouldn't, but pull of writing is hard to resist.

Wrote up my previous day and posted. Grammar mistakes and all.

Thought about uploading mini videos clips but no real time.

Waited on the bus, and peering over the man next to be reading an email found this style. Thought I'd try it out on my blog. Nice and simple. A bit like taking minutes, however it impressed me so here it is.

Ran for the train, some chick wearing some funky looking boots. Gold chains at the back, wish I could have taken a picture.

Was bad. Got breakfast from Sainsbury - a bagel and au raison pain, plus a fancy sandwich for lunch.

Got to work and started on my work write up. It took about thirty minutes


Decided to eat sandwich lunch early. Genius Boss enquired if it was late breakfast. Confirmed it was early lunch, it actually tasted better than I thought it would but still had a bit of the soggy taste of supermarket standwich. Must be the cheap bread. And must add it cost £2.60 - it was the finest range something about New York.


Got an extention of deadline for a task so carried on. Lots of phone calls for meetings. Booked them in. Worked straight until time to go.

Got pep talk and master class from genius boss about dealing with situations. Remember I'm using her time management schedule methology.

Early evening

Downloaded a Kindle book on my phone. Finally joining the rest of the world technology wise. Decided to read Hakeem & Tasia: A Brick Street lovestory by MC Mills.

Got my train and started to read the story. Not bad for what it is. She tells a good story. Normal get money, drug dealing trope.

Got off three stops early thinking I could walk. Went into Marks and Spencers but the bread I liked wasn't here. Rang The Beautiful Sister and we chatted about stuff as I walked home. She didn't rate the new Bond film highly.

Saw an interactive cola advert. I might post the video of it. Had to press a button and fake snow fell - well plastic balls really.

Got home and read more of Hakeem and Tasia. It started to become slow, maybe because I've read quiet a few of this trope, but felt inspired maybe it was time to start thinking of publishing mine.

Caught up with Momma AG. We're invited to a christmas party.


Re did my schedule, I think I need to up the times I spend on one. But will monitor it. I've decided a totally of 50 hours however if I were doing a study module the recommended time would be 120 hours. So maybe another revision is in place. See what happens when time managment in place?

Had dinner. The Beautiful Sister got me some chinese takeaway last night which I've eaten over two nights. Did I mention I've give up on diets for the holidays?


Read more of Hakeem and Tasia. Loving the phone books.


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