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October 2020 Report on Pipeline dreams: Novel-in-progress, Family news including baby.

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is well and keeping safe and taking care in these times. I'm still working from home and it's been hard. But not as hard as things happening around the globe in terms of people losing their lives, families and livelihood. Then there has been all the civil unrest, protests and general mayhem. 

It's been tough for everyone. It's been difficult to think about what to write about. For me' life has generally just being staying at home, working from home. There has been limited movements so that has been a huge adjustment. I've visited Big Momma, regularly. And seen Sis - great news on that side is that Sis now has Baby.

Novels-in-progress update 

I have ten novels in the pipeline, and I'm rather sheepish about it because I thought my current novel-in-progress would be published by now. It was supposed to be released in Feb 2019 and is nearly a year and a half ago. I'm still in the writing it, so not sure when. However I other books and I'm thinking how long will it take. So my theme of posts will progress reports. I guess we need to see if these novels-in-the-pipeline are actually pipeline dreams. So.

Current novel-in-progress in Focus

Thomas brother #1 

This book has been divided into four parts and each part has a number of segments. Don't ask me why it's been so slow and difficult to write. It just has. 

Current Plan

Part two
  • Segment one - This has been completed. Whew!!!
  • Segment two - just one more chapter so hopefully will complete this by end of this week. 
  • Segment three - completion aim - November
  • Segment four - completion aim - December
Part three - undecided 
Part four - undecided. 

Complete list of Pipeline

Definite novels-in-progress as in rough drafts have been completed.

  • Thomas brother #1 
  • Thomas brother #2  
  • WAGS #1 

    Possible projects  - these are rough ideas and outlines Not sure but will see how it goes.

    • Best Friends trio #1 target completion date - TBC
    • Best Friends trio #2
    • Best Friends trio #3
    • Thomas brother #3
    • WAGS #2
    • WAGS #3
    • Paranormal romance target completion date - TBC


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