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Lost some weight, learning photo shop, going for writing classes.

Hey Everyone,

Hope your week has been good. Nothing to write about but let's roll, anyhow.

Signed up for Photoshop classes

Well I got free Photoshop from work. Yeah, I'm rolling like that so I've enrolled for some Photoshop classes at an evening class. Hopefully I'll be able to share some of my work as I progress.

Why pay money when you learn off the youtube and other free internet tutorials on the internet? you ask.  

True but its not the same. I get to learn off a pro who said I can ask him questions about my project. I was straight up when it came to my turn about why I enrolled. It's a ten week basic course and I want to make my own book covers. Now this isn't about saving money because to be fair the classes aren't cheap.  But it's about satisfaction. Like I was planning to buy a book cover but couldn't find the right one. Then in my new job I got access to Photoshop so I was okay let's roll with it. If my covers are rubbish then I'll buy.

Going for more writing classes.

I started off this blog about my writing, got distracted but behind the scenes I've been grinding hard, trying to fix my novel. And, dudes, it's coming along fine. I've currently attending a highly recommended Faber course so I hope that will help. Like it's not the super expensive one. That I'll have to sell a few copies before I venture but it's a good start.

Lost 1.9kg - 4 lbs taking in packed lunch.

Yay! This week I planned my lunch and decided to go for the bread plunge. Yes. I don't buy 'bread' but always end up buying sandwiches. Don't ask. It's so complicated. No one buys bread anyone but yet we eat a lot of sandwiches. Anyway I got some baps - 4 in a pack from Waitrose, some reduced fat hummus and sprouts. So I made a sandwich everyday with a hummus, sprouts and shredded carrots. And a tangerine for desert. Not bad. When the hummus finished I had an avocado and peanut butter sandwich. That wasn't as tasty but I think it's because of the peanut butter. Nah, I'm over this natural organic healthy eating peanut. and going back to my normal Sunpak full of sugar butter. Sue me. Don't care. Then again I may get used to it.


For some reason I walked into the men's toilet by mistake. Don't ask me why, I think its probably because the male and female toilets are on alternative floors and I wasn't familiar with the building. Luckily it was empty so not a big deal. It would have been embarrassing if this wasn't the case.

Finally, nothing much to say. Will be updating this as I go. Hopefully with more exciting news or events.

Thanks for reading.


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